Hidroenergija d.o.o. offers its knowledge in terms of study in order to maximize the return on investment of its customers and partners giving the possibility to realize partially or completely the preliminary studies taking in account not only the equipment design but also the civil engineering from the water intake to the restitution.
The high complexity of hydro power projects requires the cooperation of large number of experts form various fields. Our company combines knowledge as geology, sismology, hydrology, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electronics, energetis, telecommunications, sensor technology and much more.
Hidroenergija d.o.o. performs general hydroelectrical plant producing the detailed engineering designs of the mechanical and electrical part including automation. We provide studies and engineering executive for:
Hidroenergija d.o.o. can propose to the energy market its capability in the engineering construction, installation, assemble, and commissioning of small power plants including:
With the main objective of uninterruptible electricity generation and optimization of the power plant as a relatively complex issue, we assure: